Non-traditional Pharmacy jobs - What are they, where are they? How do you find them?? You now have a source!
JobRx Recruiting Service (For Job Seekers)
With 25 steps in the job placement process, do you need to engage with a pharmacy recruiting expert? 40+ years in Pharmacy specializing in business development, contract negotiation, consulting, recruitment, placement and talent acquisition.. Looking for work is a lot of work. We know pharmacy recruiting and can shorten your timeline to hire. Our database has 1500+ Clients and 75K+ Contacts. No cost for initial consultation. (We offer both employer paid recruitment fees and fee-based, personal recruiting services for job seekers.) Call 210 872-6160 or email Please click the following link for more info. JobRx Personal Recruiting Service or Search our open positions and apply online
JobRx Recruiting Service (For Employers)
If your job opening is urgent, or requires a higher degree of commitment, please inquire about our contingent, managed search, or retained search options. Please click the following link for more info. JobRx Recruiting Service
JobRx Job Board
We offer a variety of options to post your opening, whether online-only, display ads, or the daily scrape of your site using our job spider, we give you options. Please click the following link for more info and pricing. JobRx Job Board
Our Vision and Consulting Approach
From strategic planning to innovative solutions, our focus is always on building an efficient and results-driven relationship. We’ll work with you to create a customized plan of action for yourself or your organization. Get in touch to learn more about our vision and consulting approach. Call 210 872-6160 or email for more information.